Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hamachi: VPN Application

I came across a Digg about 10 Unknown Windows Freeware Applications You Should Know About. This was not one of the crappy freebies but some really useful and unknown ones..

Hamachi was one that sounded really interesting to try out..
Hamachi is a zero-configuration virtual private networking application.

In other words Hamachi is a program that allows you to arrange multiple computers into their own secure network just as if they were connected by a physical network cable.

Hamachi is fast, secure and simple. Its core version is also free.

Interested?? I sure am!!

Here's detailed installation instructions. For Ubuntu Dapper dont forget to add sudo in front of commands that need to be run as root...

Note: Make sure make is installed. If it isnt then:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

After installing hamachi, download gHamachi a GUI interface to hamachi. (needs hamachi to be installed to work)

Thats It!! Now off to test it with some windows users...

1 comment:

pooya said...

Yup, Hamachi is perfect for playing games online...