Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Access Samba shares from the Terminal

Useful when you want to use PuTTy to access your machine at home from work and you want to connect to another machine on your home network!..

To view your Samba Shares:

If your share requires authorization: (enter the password when it prompts you)
smbtree -U=administrator

To connect to the share:
smbclient //bastille/ToyBox

If your share requires authorization: (enter the password when it prompts you)
smbclient //bastille/ToyBox -U administrator

Now you can use FTP commands. Some important ones:
Change to a 'local' directory
lcd /home/wraith/temp

Copy a remote file to the 'local' directory
get myremotefile.txt

More commands:
FTP, File Transfer Protocol - Summary of Commands

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